Camping near Virginia Lakes

For the fourth of July weekend we chose to return to the same area we camped last year. The flat you see here is on the Virginia Lakes Road before you get into the canyon. We like it here because it offers incredible views, lots of room to play, and no bugs or other people! Last year we had the quads with us and rode for miles in and around the hills. This year we opted to leave the quads home and occupy our time fishing, four wheeling (in Cody's truck), playing games, and just plain ol' relaxing. Dave showed us the area his cousins used to herd sheep, the delapidated cabin he spent a summer in, and we managed to find one of the trees his cousin, Aurelio (namesake to Dave's dad) had carved his name into and the years he herded sheep in that specific area (1966, 1967, 1968) before he completed his contract and returned to Spain.